Wednesday, September 2, 2009

High School Flashback

"High School is never over!" The Jane Austen Book Club. Movie

There is something about a bad teacher that reverts me back to High School. My English teacher insists on reading to us! Since when is reading out loud from a book considered teaching? I sit in a round table with my fellow classmates acting up, making them laugh, being rebellious.  Like I said I was reverting back to my teenage years. It's comforting to know that that girl is still in me.

In a lot of ways though the quote above is correct, high school is never over. Think about your work environment.  You still have the clicks, that group that always goes to lunch together and if you are not part of them you know it. The geeks, still the smartest guys and girls we know but most of us can't understand half of what they are saying, they speak their own language and are socially awkward. The jocks, these are the fit people, they work out, eat well and let you know all about the latest gym/class they are into and how it has changed their body. Sure these are stereo types but they are alive and well in cubicle world.  We still try to get out of our box, and some of us succeed, but the rest of us we stay who we were.

I love to hear from you out there, who were you in High School, does that label still apply?

Friday, August 28, 2009

First Day of School

17 Aug 2009.
Huge line outside the bookstore, I do what everyone else does, go to the back and wait.  After seeing a few people go right in without having to wait I decide maybe I should inquire what the line is for. Turns out it is for those buying through Financial Aid and I could of just walked in, 15 minutes of my life gone forever. Bought my books . . . $175 for one math book!!! HOLY CRAP! It's not even a hardcover.

My first class is freshman English, besides me there are around 4 others that are NOT right out of high school, the other 16 or so are. The fist thing I realize upon entering the classroom is - classrooms don't look like classrooms anymore. Now they look like conference rooms.  We have round tables and along the edges of the room are computers plus an overhead projector. There is not even the appearance of a dress code. The majority of the kids look like they rolled out of bed and came to class. One girl came in wearing shorts that could better be described as underwear.  The funny thing is she had on a hoody with the hood in use! If you're cold why the teeny tiny shorts?

One horrible epiphany I had on my first day of school? High School Gruaduate's of 2009 were born the year I graduated High School 1991!  I don't know whether to laugh, cry or see it as a good omen.

After 4 hours of class, Math and English, I go home with a bit of homework and the conviction of not slacking on it.

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