Friday, August 27, 2010


You may have noticed I disappeared for almost a year, but there is a perfectly good explanation; I got pregnant. I know . . . I could have continued to write my blog while pregnant. But I didn't have the energy to be creative plus I am superstitious. I didn't quit school though and now that baby is born I can feel some of my creativity coming back.

I am hoping for a light semester since sleep is pretty elusive these days and so far my teachers are complying. I am also only taking two classes American History and Philosophy which should help. I'm hoping my American History class gets a bit better. Why is it that all history classes are so . . . broad/comprehensive? I mean really in 3 months we are suppose to cover from colonization to the cold war? There will be a lot of glossing over and downright ignoring, but hopefully I will learn a few things I am currently not aware off. I will be sure to post it here when and if it happens.

Philosophy has the promise of getting very interesting but I am afraid my classmates so far have proven to be less than enthusiastic about it. Well it is only the second week they will warm up and start debating, I hope!

Well that is all for today, type at you later!

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